1. In pursuance to the decision of the Board in its 69th meeting regarding formulation of policy that is linked to Darshans/ sewa privileges at the Shrine on the lines of corporate donation policy of TTD for both individual and corporate pilgrims, having inclination towards spirituality and a sense of selfless service towards the Holy Shrine, the instant Priority Aarti Darshan policy has been conceived.

2. It is pertinent to mention that a large number of requests are received from such above mentioned devotees desirous of attending Shradha Suman Vishesh Pooja (SSVP), Atka Aarti and Darshan on a specific date of a calendar year as per personal/religious/emotional preferences, but, they are unable to do so owing to non-availability of slots for that particular date. A facility for Aarti & Darshan bookings on preferred dates along with boarding and lodging arrangements shall be a great boon for the desirous devotees as a token of generous amounts being donated by them.

3. The policy shall accommodate donors in their individual capacities as well as corporate/ institution/ firms desirous of facilitating Darshans for their employers/ associates and the like, by way of Priority Darshan and associated privileges on a fixed day every year preferred by the donors.

4. Privileges offered in the scheme:

  • 4.1. Aarti Darshan Scheme for Individuals: Individual donor(s) may opt for membership under any one of the following categories and they shall be entitled to avail Aarti/ Priority Darshan and other privileges on a preferred date every year for a maximum of five (05) members to be nominated by the donor for the entire duration of the policy.
    Annual Privileges Offered
    Sr No Category SSVP(Pax) Attka Aarti(Pax) Accommodation at Main Bhawan Helicopter/Battery Car Tickets (as per weather conditions) Meals Duration of Policy Special Privileges
    1 51 lakh 5 5 2 rooms (including SSVP rooms) at Sridhar/New Kalika/Durga Bhawan 05 Pax (To and From) For 5 Pax (2 meals) 30 years or lifetime which ever is earlier 1. Priority Darshan. 2. Hawan (in – absentia ) at the main Bhawan on any 5 days of the year to be chosen by the donor.
    2 25 lakh 2 3 2 rooms (including SSVP rooms) at Sridhar/New Kalika/Durga Bhawan 05 Pax (To and From) For 2 Pax (2 meals) 25 years or lifetime which ever is earlier 1. Priority Darshan. 2. Hawan (in – absentia ) at the main Bhawan on any 3 days of the year to be chosen by the donor.
  • 4.2. Aarti Darshan Scheme for Corporates: This category is aimed to facilitate corporate / Institutes / Firms desiring to avail priority Darshans for their employees, associates and others on any preferred date in a particular year. The associated privileges may be availed by up to a maximum five (05) members to be nominated by the Donor(s) on a preferred date every year after one-time donation as per the selected category. The Corporate members shall have flexibility to choose the preferred date on a yearly basis through the Online Portal / Help Desk up to 90 days in advance.

    Annual Privileges Offered
    Sr No Category SSVP(Pax) Attka Aarti(Pax) Accommodation at Main Bhawan Helicopter/Battery Car Tickets (as per weather conditions) Meals Duration of Policy
    1 51 lakh 5 5 2 rooms (including SSVP rooms) at Sridhar/New Kalika/Durga Bhawan 05 Pax (To and From) For 5 Pax (2 meals) 25 years
    2 25 lakh 2 3 2 rooms (including SSVP rooms) at Sridhar/New Kalika/Durga Bhawan 05 Pax (To and From) For 2 Pax (2 meals) 20 years

5. 5. The detailed provision regarding various privileges are elaborate in the succeeding paras:

  • 5.1.SSVP (Aarti inside the Holy Cave):
    • Priority shall be accorded in SSVP bookings to the registered Donors under the scheme over routine online & current bookings (excluding auspicious & special occasions).
    • The Donor(s) shall be entitled to avail two SSVPs in either morning or evening slot on the preferred date as per the booking.
    • The Help Desk/Enquiry & Reservation Section in coordination with Donation Section shall maintain a proper record of availed privileges during the year under an intimation to the Donors.
    • The Help Desk/Enquiry & Reservation Section shall furnish a list of Pilgrims availing SSVP under Donation Scheme on daily basis.
    • The Registration at Bhawan (Room No. 4) shall verify the identity of the Pilgrims through verifiable privilege cards before allowing them to attend SSVP.
    • Maximum 05 SSVP slots shall be available for booking in each morning and evening Aarti under any of the Schemes / Policies of the Board. If, in case of exigency the slots available on particular day are less than the requested slots, the same shall be provided in the next consecutive slot. Further, in case of multiple requests received for a particular day, policy of 'First Come First Serve' shall be followed.
    • In case the total number of admissible SSVP has not been availed during the year, it will not be carry forwarded to next year.
  • 5.2.Attka Aarti (Aarti in front of Natural Cave):
    • The donor shall be entitled to avail Atka Aarti in either morning or evening Slots on the preferred date as per the booking.
    • The Help Desk/Enquiry & Reservation Section in coordination with Donation Section shall maintain a proper record of availed privileges during the year under an intimation to the Donors.
    • The Help Desk/Enquiry & Reservation Section shall furnish a list of Pilgrims availing Atka Aarti under Donation Scheme on daily basis.
    • Preference shall be accorded to Donors registered under the scheme for Attka Aarti during Auspicious/Special days over online & current bookings.
    • The Registration at Bhawan (Room No. 4) shall verify the identity of the Pilgrims through verifiable privilege cards before allowing them to attend Attka Aarti.
    • In case the total number of admissible Attka Aarti has not been availed during the year, it will not be carry forward to next year.
  • 5.3.Hawan (in absentia):
    • The Donor shall be entitled to avail Hawan (in absentia) as per opted category for which the Donor may select preferred dates through Online Portal/ Help Desk/Enquiry and Reservation Section of the Shrine Board.
    • The Hawan (in absentia) is daily performed at Yagya Shala Bhawan after the culmination of morning Aarti.
    • The Help Desk/Enquiry & Reservation Section in coordination with Donation Section shall maintain a proper record of availed privileges during the year under the intimation to the Donors.
    • Preference shall be accorded to Donors registered under the scheme for Hawan (in absentia) during Navratras/Auspicious/Special Days.
    • The Help Desk/Enquiry & Reservation Section shall furnish a list of Pilgrims availing Hawan (In Absentia) under Donation Scheme on daily basis.
    • In case the total number of admissible Hawan (in absentia) has not been availed during the year, it will not be carry forward to next year.
    • The request for availing Hawan (in absentia) shall only be accepted only if it is made at- least 30 days prior to the preferred date along with the Gotra of the beneficiaries.
  • 5.4.Rooms at Bhawan:
    • The donor shall be entitled to avail booking for 02 rooms (including SSVP rooms) at Main Bhawan on the preferred allotted date.
    • The Help Desk/Enquiry & Reservation Section in coordination with Donation Section shall maintain a proper record of availed privileges during the year under the intimation to the Donors.
    • The Help Desk/Enquiry & Reservation Section shall furnish a list of Pilgrims availing rooms under Donation Scheme on daily basis.
    • In case the total number of admissible Hawan Rooms has not been availed during the year, it will not be carry forward to next year.

6. Besides the above, the following facilities shall also be provided to all the registered donors under this category:

  • 6.1.  Diary and wall calendar of the Board on an annual basis.
  • 6.2.  Home Delivery of Prasad on the eve of Navratras.
  • 6.3.  Free subscription to quarterly newsletter of the Board.

7. Terms & conditions related to the policy:

  • 7.1. Individual Donor(s):
    • The Individual Donor(s) who wish to opt for the scheme to be referred as “Primary Donor” may get themselves registered with the board any time after the launch of the policy on donation of Rs. 11.00 Lakh as registration fee and rest amount within 06 months, as per the chosen category. The applicant shall have to provide names & details of all members (maximum of 5 including the Primary Donor) whom he or she intends to incorporate as member(s) in the scheme. The names once provided cannot be altered throughout the duration of the scheme.
    • The privileges of the policy are linked with the life time of primary donor for all the five (05) members. However, in case of any unfortunate incident with any of the family member (whose name has been registered as a beneficiary), the primary donor can request for addition of any other family member only once during the entire policy period. Such request shall be considered at the level of Chief Executive Officer only after 10 years from the date of registration.
    • The registered members shall be eligible for availing Aarti Darshan and other privileges on the preferred date every year as per the opted category and no change of date shall be allowed subsequently. All the registered members shall be issued privilege cards for accessing the facilities in a Hassle free manner for which a dedicated online portal and help desk shall also be established as elaborated subsequently in the policy.
    • In the case of extreme exigencies and unforeseen circumstances, a onetime request for change in date for a particular year shall be considered at the level of CEO if the same is made at least 30 days in advance but the same shall only be confirmed subject to availability and for only once during the whole period of the policy.
    • In case, any registered Donor fails to deposit the full amount within this period, the registration charges paid earlier shall be forfeited and no claim of the Donor for any privilege or refund shall be accepted.
  • 7.2. Corporate/ Institutes / Firms Donor(s):
    • The interested Donors who wish to opt for the scheme to be referred “Primary Donor” may apply for registration under this category through the dedicated Online Portal / Help Desk any day after the launch of this policy. The registered Donor(s) shall be provided the facilities of nominating up to 5 Devotees at an annual basis through the Online Portal / Help Desk for availing the privileges for that year. The Donors shall also have to authenticate and upload credentials and background of all the nominated devotees, besides selecting the preferred dates for Darshans to be done at least 90 days in advance.

8. All the registered Donor(s) both Individual & Corporate categories shall provide self-attested copies of Aadhar Card of all the beneficiaries and also upload the same on the online portal. It would be mandatory for the primary donor to submit and upload the attested copy of PAN Card as well.

9. Online Portal /Facilitation-cum-Help Desk: A dedicated online portal /facilitation-cum-help desk at Katra shall be setup to facilitate donors registered under the scheme for facilitate and hassle free Darshan and have the following features:

  • Registration of Donor(s) in both individual and corporate categories and allotment of preferred dates for priority Darshan on first come first serve basis.
  • Assistance to Donor(s) for facilities cum privileges as and when they required as per their entitlement under the donation policies in vogue.
  • Proper coordination among Protocol Section, E&R Section, Adhkuwari, Helipad & Bhawan for facilitation of donors and for arranging the facilities and privileges as per the prevailing policies including contingency arrangements in case of bad weather/ unforeseen circumstances.
  • Proactively liaison with all the registered donors.

10. Mode of Payment: The Donation shall be made through RTGS / NEFT / IMPS / Cheque / Demand Draft. The amount once donated shall not be refunded under any circumstances. The Tax Benefit under 80G shall be applicable.

11. Acknowledgement and Privilege Card: Acceptance of the Donation amount for Membership along with the particulars of the scheme shall be issued to the Donor after the realization of full amount by the Accounts Section. The acknowledgement of the same in writing along with admissible privileges in the availed category shall also be conveyed to the Donor along with issuance of a Privilege Cards. In case of loss of Privilege Card, a fresh Card shall be issued on the written request of the Donor/ institution.

12. Non-Transferable Privilege Card: The Privilege Card once issued shall not be transferred to other family members / friends at any stage.

13. Monitoring and Regulation of Funds: A separate bank account shall be opened for the scheme to monitor receipt of donation.

14. The Chief Executive Officer, SMVDSB reserves the right to accept or reject Donation from any of the Donor, without assigning any reason thereof.

15. Interpretation: If any question arises relating to the interpretation of provisions of the Donation Policy, the decision of the Chief Executive Officer, SMVDSB, shall be final and binding on both the parties.

16. Power to Relax: The Chairman, SMVDSB reserves the power to make relaxation in the rules without assigning any reason.

17. Amendment: The Board reserves the right to amend/ modify any of the provisions of the policy at any point in time subject to emerging requirements in the interest of pilgrims.

18. Jurisdiction: All legal proceedings concerning disputes arising out in any way connected with this Donation Policy shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Local Courts at Katra/ Reasi only.

19. Auspicious/ Special Days: These include Chaitra & Shardiya Navratras, 31st December / 1st January, important religious festivals, National Festivals, etc.


mata vaisno devi logo ANNEXURE-“A”

S.No Donor Particular  
1. Name of the Primary Donor in full (In Block Letters)  
2. Category(Individual/Joint/Corporate/Institutes/ Firm etc.)
3. Date of Birth (Donation in case of individuals, Donation in the name of Minors is not accepted)
4. In case of a Joint Donor mention the name of the second Donor also
5. Provide registration number in case of Trust/Company/Firm etc.
6. Religion (Must practice Hindu religion)
7. Address for communication with Pin code
8. E-mail ID (Block letters)
9. Mobile Number
10. Landline Number
11. Aadhar Number
12. PAN Number
13. Details of Demand Draft enclosed
  (a) Drawn in favour of Chief Executive Officer, SMVDSB, Katra
  (b) Amount Rs.____________/- (Rupees ____________ Lacs only) as a Registration Amount.
  (c) Name of the Bank
  (d) Demand Draft No.
  (e) Date
14. Donation amount offered (Please refer condition number-2)

Signature of the Applicant/ Authorized person in case of Joint/Trust /Company/Firm

Our Donation Schemes

  • Aarti Darshan Scheme for Individulas (Rs.51 Lakh)Fifty One LakhIndividual

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Aarti Darshan Scheme for Individulas (Rs.51 Lakh)

Fifty One Lakh
Name Count Remarks
Attka Aarti (Pax) 5 Atka
Accommodation at Main Bhawan 2 Accommodation at Bhawan
Helicopter/Battery Car tickets (as per weather conditions) 5
Meals 0
Hawan 5 Hawan in-absentia at the main Bhawan
Special Privileges 0
Additional Facilities 0
Duration of the Policy 30 Thirty Years
Installments 5 Complete amount within 06 months
  • Aarti Darshan Scheme for Individulas (Rs.25 Lakh)Twenty Five LakhIndividual

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Aarti Darshan Scheme for Individulas (Rs.25 Lakh)

Twenty Five Lakh
Name Count Remarks
Attka Aarti (Pax) 3 Atka
Accommodation at Main Bhawan 2 Accommodation at Bhawan
Helicopter/Battery Car tickets (as per weather conditions) 5
Meals 0
Hawan 3 Hawan (in-absentia) at the main Bhawan
Special Privileges 0
Additional Facilities 0
Duration of the Policy 25 Twenty Five Years
Installments 5 Complete amount within 06 months
  • Construction of Durga Bhawan at Bhawan Rs.51 LakhFifty one lakhIndividual

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Construction of Durga Bhawan at Bhawan Rs.51 Lakh

Fifty one lakh
Name Count Remarks
SSVP (Pax) 6 Six pax per year
Attka Aarti (Pax) 25 Twenty five per year
Accommodation at Main Bhawan 0
Helicopter/Battery Car tickets (as per weather conditions) 6
Meals 0
Hawan 0
Special Privileges 0
Additional Facilities 0
Duration of the Policy 10 Ten years
Installments 1 one
  • Construction of Durga Bhawan at Bhawan Rs.01 CroreOne CroreIndividual

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Construction of Durga Bhawan at Bhawan Rs.01 Crore

One Crore
Name Count Remarks
SSVP (Pax) 12 Twelve per year
Attka Aarti (Pax) 50 Fifty per year
Accommodation at Main Bhawan 0
Helicopter/Battery Car tickets (as per weather conditions) 0
Meals 0
Hawan 0
Special Privileges 0
Additional Facilities 0
Duration of the Policy 10 Ten years
Installments 1 One
  • New Durga Bhawan at Bhawan Rs.51 LakhRs.51 LakhCorporate

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New Durga Bhawan at Bhawan Rs.51 Lakh

Rs.51 Lakh
Name Count Remarks
SSVP (Pax) 6 Six pax
Attka Aarti (Pax) 25 25 Pax
Accommodation at Main Bhawan 0
Helicopter/Battery Car tickets (as per weather conditions) 0
Meals 0
Hawan 0
Special Privileges 0
Additional Facilities 0
Duration of the Policy 10 10 years
Installments 1 One
  • New Durga Bhawan at Bhawan Rs.01 CroreRupees One CroreCorporate

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New Durga Bhawan at Bhawan Rs.01 Crore

Rupees One Crore
Name Count Remarks
SSVP (Pax) 12 12 pax
Attka Aarti (Pax) 50 50 pax
Accommodation at Main Bhawan 0
Helicopter/Battery Car tickets (as per weather conditions) 0
Meals 0
Hawan 0
Special Privileges 0
Additional Facilities 0
Duration of the Policy 10 10 years
Installments 1 One


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S. No Donation Amount (Rs. In Lakh) Privileges provided Validity of the Privileges
SSVP per Annum Attka per Annum
1 Rs. 51.00 Lakh & less than Rs. 1.00 Cr. 06 25 10 years from the date of receiving donation
2 Rs. 1.00 Cr. & less than Rs. 2.00 Cr. 12 50
3 Rs. 2.00 Cr. & less than Rs. 3.00 Cr. 18 100
4 Rs. 3.00 Cr. & less than Rs. 4.00 Cr. 24 200
5 Rs. 4.00 Cr. & less than Rs. 5.00 Cr. 30 250
6 Rs. 5.00 Cr. & above. 50 250 20 years from the date of receiving donation

Privacy Policy

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board Katra respects your privacy and recognizes the need to protect the personally identifiable information (any information by which you can be identified w.r.t name, address, and telephone number) you share with us. We would like to assure you that we make best efforts when it comes to protecting your privacy on our official web site

In general, you can visit our official website without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. We track the Internet address of the domains from which people visit us and analyze this data for trends and statistics, but the individual user remains anonymous.

Needless to add, all Information collected shall only be used internally within SMVDSB or shared with only authorized and identified external service provider(s), when it is utmost necessary to do so with the sole objective to provide the Devotees with the best possible requisitioned services. The Board shall use the Information to improve the visitor experience on the site.

If you desire Shrine Board to limit such sharing you may contact us at

The contents hereof are the sole and exclusive property of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board Katra and may not be, for whatsoever purpose, reproduced, stored, copied or archived in any manner whatsoever either in full or in parts without the prior express consent of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board Katra.

The contents hereof are purely for internal circulation in Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board Katra and any access of whatsoever nature of these outside the Shrine Board Network is strictly prohibited and will attract legal liability of both civil and criminal nature.